meet the team
Both eco
and friendly
Changing the world is serious business, but it doesn’t mean we can’t have fun along the way. These birds of a feather love to laugh together.

Enrique Alvarez
sales- Atlanta, ga, usa
Enrique believes we all have a personal responsibility to improve the planet. For this reason, he is hardworking, relationship-minded, and proactive. In addition to his responsibilities at EarthWave, Enrique is the Managing Director at Vector Global Logistics, which is dedicated to changing the world through the supply chain.
Before co-founding Vector, he worked for the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) where his main focus was always on the operations, sales, and supply chain processes. Prior to joining BCG, Enrique worked for Grupo Vitro, a Mexican glass manufacturer, for five years holding different positions from sales and logistics manager to supply chain project leader.
He has a MBA from The Wharton School of Business and a BS in Mechanical Engineer from the Technologico de Monterrey in Mexico. Enrique’s passions are soccer and the ocean, and he also enjoys traveling, getting to know new people, and spending time with his wife and two kids, Emma and Enrique.
Why does protecting the environment matter to you?
Protecting the environment to me is looking straight into nature’s eyes and acknowledging we are one with it. Swimming in the ocean, hiking through a forest, or laying down on my back staring at the stars makes me feel like I am home; like I belong and like there is a higher purpose to what I do (no matter what I do). For a few seconds, time seems to stop, and life just simply makes sense. No schedules, no screens, no cell-phones, no social media, no noise. Protecting the environment is doing whatever is needed to maintain that connection with the only planet we have, with the universe itself. It is a responsibility, as humans, to eliminate our waste and care for the environment and all the living creatures (us included) that live in our planet, Earth. “I have a little different definition of evil than most people. When you have the opportunity and the ability to do good and you do nothing, that’s evil. Evil doesn’t always have to be an overt act, it can be merely the absence of good.” ― Yvon Chouinard, founder and owner of PatagoniaJuan Rios
sales- Monterrey, NL, MX
Juan Carlos is originally from Bogota, Colombia, and is currently residing in Monterrey, Mexico. Previously living in the USA for over 10 years, he studied International Business at Georgia State University and has more than five years of experience in international trade and logistics.
Juan Carlos is very passionate about traveling and getting to know the local cultures of the places he visits. His next personal challenge is to move to a new country in South America. And because his biggest passion are horses, he dreams of having his own ranch with horses and cattle one day.
Why does protecting the environment matter to you?
Protecting the environment means having a better world for future generations. We only have one planet, and must protect it at all costs if we want our kids to have something to enjoy. We take from it and it is our responsibility to give back. Sometimes it’s complicated to do, but we must take the extra step to be responsible and keep everyone accountable.

sourcing- Vietnam
Wesley was born in Johannesburg, South Africa, and moved to Atlanta when he was a child. Wesley is currently studying at RMIT in Vietnam for a Supply Chain Management degree. He also has one year of experience in freight forwarding. His passions are sports and traveling.
Why does protecting the environment matter to you?
Protecting the environment is a must for me. It means guaranteeing the next generation a clean planet and environment to live in.